Thursday, November 1, 2012

5 Youtube Videos to Quote in the Outdoors

1. Pumpkin and Bubby Discover Nature

"dat's sum mutha nurture right dair!" 

2. Hungover Rock Climber (poops his pants)

"it's an odds thing really."

3. Nature Lover

less about quoting, more about pelvic thrusting.

4. Neature Walk (Episode 1)

"this is an aspen. you can tell it's an aspen tree because of the way it is."

5. Sh*t Rock Climbers Say

"hand jam! hand jam! hand jam!"

1 comment:

  1. Idk if I'm the only person who visits these, but oh mer gersh they are so funny. haha continue your ramblings at least for mine and Kyle's sake.
